Leslie Fish's Filksongs
The Virtual Filksing
Convention Reviews
Personal Filk Projects
Other Cool Stuff
Rather than get a social life, I've been producing a bunch of filk projects for Wail Songs,
while simultaneously running Prometheus Music, a new filk publishing company dedicated to creating
the best filk anthology albums ever published.
Projects I've completed over the past few years:
- My Favorite Sings (Kathy Mar, Prometheus Music, 1999) Publisher.
- Dreamflights. (Best of Musicon 1993, Wail Songs, 1998) Producer.
- Slightly OVFF Track. (Best of OVFF 1995, Wail Songs, 1997) Producer.
- Westerfilk 1. (Second Edition, Wail Songs, 1996) Typesetter and producer.
Status of remaining projects I've been producing for Wail Songs:
- Consonance '94. Just waiting for a competed cover illustration...
- OVFF '92. Now in the Jeff Rogers Engineering Queue.
- FilKONtario '93. This one is waiting for someone to have time to engineer it.
- Get OVFF: The Beaten Tracks (working title for the OVFF 1993 & 1994 tape).
Song choices & permissions have been finished for several years; we're just
waiting for the DA-88 masters from Love Song Productions, which taped the convention for Wail Songs.
- Consonance '93/'96. Not going anywhere until the four projects before it ship. :)
Last Updated: 6/22/99